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Accelerated Master’s Program

The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s program is designed to reduce the total number of undergraduate/graduate credit hours required to complete both degrees. The program is open to qualified University of Houston undergraduate Electrical & Computer Engineering students wishing to continue their education at the graduate level immediately upon completion of their B.S. degree. 

This program allows students to take up to six (6) graduate-level credit hours in Electrical & Computer Engineering that will be applied to both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. To participate, a student will need to: 1) apply and be approved to participate, 2) seek approval to enroll in 6 credit graduate level hours, and 3) apply and be admitted to the ECE graduate program. 

Approval and completion of application and graduate level course(s) does not guarantee admission to the ECE Graduate Program.  



Accelerated Master’s Program Application Deadline 

  • July 1 for taking courses in the Fall term. 
  • January 1 for taking courses in the Spring term. 


An undergraduate student interested should submit an Accelerated M.S. Program application form to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.  

Accelerated M.S. Program application

The minimum application requirements: 

  1. Junior standing and completion of 24 credit hours of ECE coursework. 
  2. Minimum 3.0 GPA over all course work completed at University of Houston 
  3. Minimum 3.0 GPA over all engineering course work completed 
  4. Approval from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering via an application. 

Students may apply as early as the semester in which they will meet the minimum application requirements.  

Eligible Graduate Level Courses 

The UH Graduate Course Catalog is a current list of graduate courses that are available. 



The graduate courses must be selected from the 6000-level offerings of the ECE Department. The UH Graduate Course Catalog provides a current list of graduate courses that are available.  

The selection of courses should be made with guidance from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. This determination will be made with regard to the student’s preparation for the course material and the degree to which the courses complement the student’s undergraduate program. 

For students in the ECE undergraduate program: 

  • BSEE students: ECE graduate courses (6000-level) will substitute for ECE Elective(s). 
  • BSCpE Students: ECE graduate courses (6000-level) will substitute for your elective plus lab course(s). To ensure proper credit hours, you will be required to enroll in ECE 4198 Independent Study for each graduate course. 



Students accepted in the accelerated program must formally apply and complete the graduate application process. Students may apply in their second-final or final semester while completing their undergraduate degree.  

To apply for graduate admission, please visit the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Admissions Procedures page.