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Research Breakthroughs

While lithium-ion batteries have been the go-to technology for everything from smartphones and laptops to electric cars, there are growing concerns about the future because lithium is relatively scarce, expensive and difficult to…
ECE’s Canepa Part of International Team Working to Make Sodium Batteries Better
Cullen College of Engineering Ph.D. student Zhaoyang Chen’s research article, “Manipulating Hardness to Construct Favorable Electrode Microstructures for All-Solid-State Batteries,” was not only published in the highly-respected…
ECE Ph.D. student Chen makes battery breakthrough, authors cover article in Advanced Energy Materials
Researchers Find Reducing International Flights in Western Europe Results in Fewer Global COVID-19 Cases A team of engineers at the University of Houston has published a study in the journal Nature on how international air travel…
University of Houston Engineers Unveil AI Model for Predicting, Controlling Pandemic Spread
As the world races to combat environmental degradation and climate challenges, transitioning to renewable energy has become a top priority. However, the inconsistent nature of wind, solar and other renewable sources poses a…
Boosting Clean Energy with AI-Powered Catalysts and Microwave Plasma Technologies
Researchers at the University of Houston unveiled a groundbreaking advancement in X-ray imaging technology that could provide significant improvements in medical diagnostics, materials and industrial imaging, transportation…
UH Researchers Unveil Groundbreaking Technique in X-Ray Imaging
Overcomes Challenges Faced by Conventional Thermal Imaging, Eliminates Wavelength and Temperature Dependence A new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light, developed in the lab of University of Houston professor of…
ECE’s Bao Develops Technique That Enhances Thermal Imaging And Infrared Thermography For Police, Medical, Military Use
Why it matters: A University of Houston engineer is redesigning sleep studies, no more wires all over your body. This new procedure requires only two wires, unlike the traditional method. It can be performed at home, so you don’…
ECE's Sheth, student Jones' new approach to sleep study expands potential of sleep medicine
A University of Houston researcher is reporting a new method to detect cancer which could make cancer detection as simple as taking a blood test. With a 98.7% accuracy rate, the method — which combines PANORAMA imaging with…
New Method From ECE Researchers Has Potential to Detect Cancer at Earliest Stages
$3M Grant Brings Artificial Intelligence on Board for Faster, More Accurate Diagnosis, Better Patient Outcome In the ever-perilous autoimmune disease world of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), up to 60 percent of adult…
Cullen Team Setting the Gold Standard in Diagnosis of Lupus Nephritis
International Hub for Neurotechnology Grows Again with Addition of West Virginia University and Georgia Tech Two more universities, West Virginia University (WVU) and Georgia Institute of Technology, have been funded by the…
More University Brain Power at the UH BRAIN Center
The world of at-home stroke rehabilitation is growing near, incredible news for the 795,000 people in the United States who annually suffer a stroke. A new low cost, portable brain-computer interface that connects the brain of…
ECE's Contreras-Vidal Creates Portable EEG Headset For Stroke Rehab
Technology Will Allow Drones to Respond Fluidly to Changes in the Environment It’s a long-held notion, proven in fact, that robots are the perfect instrument to free humans from jobs that are dull, dirty and dangerous – the “3 Ds…
Becker's research could unleash the Power of Intelligent Drone Swarms
University of Houston researchers are developing a program to teach small-scale, underserved and limited resources (SULR) farmers how to improve their crop production by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon…
Researchers Study How Underserved Farmers Can Improve Crop, Impact Climate Change
Despite the remarkable progress in artificial intelligence (AI), several studies show that AI systems do not improve radiologists' diagnostic performance. In fact, diagnostic errors influence 40,000 to 80,000 deaths annually in U…
ECE's Hien Van Nguyen developing AI with a human touch
Lithium-ion batteries have transformed everyday lives – almost everyone has a smartphone, more electric vehicles can be spotted on the roads, and they keep power generators going during emergencies. As more portable electronic…
UH Team Develops Novel Microscope To Design Better High-Performance Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries, which today power everything from the smartphones we carry in our pockets to the electric vehicles we drive, are projected to capture 80 percent of the rechargeable battery market in the coming years. There…
ECE Researchers Charging the Future with Modern Aqueous Batteries
Stanko R. Brankovic, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Cullen College of Engineering, has received a $300,000 grant to continue his research into creating a new magnetic alloys with superior properties for…
ECE's Brankovic earns $300k grant for ferromagnetic alloy research
A pair of professors from the Cullen College of Engineering are partnering with a colleague from Howard University to spur clean energy development via the use electromagnetic energy assisted hydrogen generation from fossil fuels…
ECE's Chen, Shan part of new research on converting methane to hydrogen
High Carrier Mobility in Cubic Boron Arsenide Offers Promise for Next-Gen Electronics Researchers have for the first time experimentally discovered that a cubic boron arsenide crystal offers high carrier mobility for both…
Researchers Report Major Advance in Semiconductor Materials
Lithium-ion batteries are currently the preferred technology to power electric vehicles, but they’re too expensive for long-duration grid-scale energy storage systems, and lithium itself is becoming more challenging to access.…
ECE's Yao, Research Team Develop Sodium Glassy Electrolytes Capable of Supporting Long-Duration Grid-Scale Energy Storage