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A professor at the Cullen College of Engineering has been honored by being elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, one of the highest honors of distinction provided by the organization. Ji…
ECE's Ji Chen earns IEEE Fellow distinction
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced $17.4 million funding for 19 early-stage research projects focused on expanding clean energy technologies at colleges and universities across America. These projects will…
Three Cullen Projects Rack Up $3M in Funding for Decarbonization, Emissions Research
To tackle the challenges of a shrinking wireless spectrum, the University of Houston has joined the Spectrum Management with Adaptive and Reconfigurable Technology (SMART) Hub – a Department of Defense Spectrum Innovation Center…
UH Joins SMART Hub, A $5M Department of Defense Consortium
At first glance it seems a typically beautiful dance performance featuring the fusion of original music, and immersive projection design. But unlike anything you might expect, it also blends cutting edge neuro-engineering as…
Watch Science in Motion as Dancers Don Brain Caps in Original Performance
After successfully defending his dissertation in July, Alexander Steele will receive his doctorate at the Cullen College of Engineering Commencement this month. Steele, a disabled Marine, started at the University of Houston in…
Steele describes journey from disabled Marine to UH doctorate
For the second straight year, the same dynamic quartet of University of Houston scientists has been honored as world-class, highly cited researchers, acknowledging the remarkable and widespread impact of their scientific…
Repeat! Four University of Houston Researchers Named Most Cited in the World
A celebration of the life of Anne Jaap Jacobson – a longtime professor at the University of Houston – will be held on Nov. 28 in the M.D. Anderson Library's Rockwell Pavilion from 10-11:30 a.m. Jacobson passed away in early…
Celebration of Life to be held for ECE, Philosophy professor Jacobson
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce 15 faculty promotions, effective starting the Fall 2023 semester. Promotions are listed by level, then alphabetically last name. All promotions are granted followed a…
Cullen promotes 15 faculty members for Fall 2023
The world is full of good ideas, but only some of them become viable and real. “You don’t see the full impact of a good idea until someone figures out a way to convert it to a usable product or service that has value, brings it…
Cullen teams place in UH Energy's Innovation Commercialization Competition
The Cullen College of Engineering offers its condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Wanda Zagozdzon-Wosik, who passed in September after a battle with brain cancer. Zagozdzon-Wosik retired from her position as an…
College mourns the passing of Wanda Zagozdzon-Wosik
$3M Grant Brings Artificial Intelligence on Board for Faster, More Accurate Diagnosis, Better Patient Outcome In the ever-perilous autoimmune disease world of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), up to 60 percent of adult…
Cullen Team Setting the Gold Standard in Diagnosis of Lupus Nephritis
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce the hiring and promotion of 31 faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year. All employees were hired after a competitive search process and multiple rounds of interviews…
Cullen College of Engineering welcomes 31 new faculty members
International Hub for Neurotechnology Grows Again with Addition of West Virginia University and Georgia Tech Two more universities, West Virginia University (WVU) and Georgia Institute of Technology, have been funded by the…
More University Brain Power at the UH BRAIN Center
After natural disasters, many people are understandably worried about the potential for structural damage to their homes. The research work of a Cullen College of Engineering Ph.D. student and his advising professor aims to…
Cullen student Varghese recognized for AI-focused structure research
The world of at-home stroke rehabilitation is growing near, incredible news for the 795,000 people in the United States who annually suffer a stroke. A new low cost, portable brain-computer interface that connects the brain of…
ECE's Contreras-Vidal Creates Portable EEG Headset For Stroke Rehab
For Harish Krishnamoorthy, assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the Cullen College of Engineering and associate director of the Power Electronics, Microgrids & Subsea Electrical Systems…
Krishnamoorthy wins inaugural IEEE PELS Young Exceptional Service Award
The first official day of summer in Texas brought a stark reminder of the challenges ahead with temperatures in the triple digits and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) calling for the public to voluntarily…
UH Experts Offer Advice to Deal with Texas Energy Challenges
Project to Build More Robust Electrical Systems and Grow the Next Generation of Innovators in Power Electronics In today's dynamic environment where electricity demand is skyrocketing, power converters are the unsung heroes…
ECE's Krishnamoorthy Using NSF CAREER Award for Game-Changing Research
GreenHouston, a team of University of Houston students mentored by Assistant Professor Jian Shi from the UH Cullen College of Engineering, created a winning proposal for an optimized carbon dioxide transportation pipeline…
Students Shine in DOE’s American-Made Carbon Management Competition
Technology Will Allow Drones to Respond Fluidly to Changes in the Environment It’s a long-held notion, proven in fact, that robots are the perfect instrument to free humans from jobs that are dull, dirty and dangerous – the “3 Ds…
Becker's research could unleash the Power of Intelligent Drone Swarms