Visual perception; Functions of sleep; Autism spectrum disorders; Interaction between central and autonomic nervous systems (mind-body interaction); Perceptual statistics; Neural basis of insight; Blood flow in Brain; Eye movements & cognition
Sheth, B. R. and Young, R. (2016) Two Visual Pathways in Primates Based on Sampling of Space:Exploitation and Exploration of Visual Information. Front. Integr.Neurosci.10:37. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2016.00037. pdf
Coskun, M.A., Loveland, K.A., Pearson, D.A., Papanicolaou, A.C. and Sheth, B. R. (2013) Interaction of finger representations in the cortex of individuals with autism: A functional window into cortical inhibition. Autism Res. (in press). pdf
Coskun, M.A., Loveland, K.A., Pearson, D.A., Papanicolaou, A.C. and Sheth, B. R. (2013). Functional assays of local connectivity in the somatosensory cortex of individuals with autism. Autism Res. 6(3): 190-200. pdf
Jiang, R., Jansen, B. H., Sheth, B. R., and Chen J. (2013) Dynamic multi-channel TMS with reconfigurable coil. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 21(3): 370-375. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Varghese, R. and Truong, T. (2012) Sleep shelters verbal memory from different kinds of interference. SLEEP 35(7): 985-996. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Serranzana, A., Anjum, S.F., and Khan, M. (2012) Sleep’s influence on a reflexive form of memory that does not require voluntary attention. SLEEP 35(5): 657-666. pdf
Tsiaras, V., Simos, P.G., Rezaie, R., Sheth, B. R., Garyfallidis, E., Castillo, E. M., Papanicolaou, A. C. (2011) Extracting biomarkers of autism from MEG resting-state functional connectivity networks. Comput Biol Med 41(12): 1166-1177. pdf
Sheth, B. R. (2011) The anti-McCollough effect: the mystery remains. Atten Percept Psychophys 73(7):14, 2203-2204. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Liu, J., Olagbaju, O., Varghese, L., Mansour, R., Reddoch, S., Pearson, D.A., and Loveland, K.A. (2011) Detecting Social and Non-Social Changes in Natural Scenes: Performance of Children with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typical Adults. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 41(4): 434-446. pdf
Chatterjee, G., Wu, D.A., and Sheth, B. R. (2011) Phantom flashes caused by interactions across visual space. Journal of Vision 11(2):14, 1-17. pdf
Nieman D.*, Sheth, B. R.* and Shimojo, S. (2010) Perceiving a discontinuity in motion. Journal of Vision 10 (6): 9, 1-23. *—joint first authors. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Ventura, G. and Wu, D. A. (2009) Does adaptation of motion direction detectors affect bias or sensitivity of direction judgments? Perception 38: 1621-1627. pdf
Coskun, M.A., Varghese, L., Reddoch, S., Castillo, E.M., Pearson, D.A., Loveland, K.A., Papanicolaou, A.C. and Sheth, B. R. (2009) Increased response variability in autistic brains? NeuroReport 20: 1543-1548. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Nguyen, N, and Janvelyan, D. (2009). Does sleep really influence face recognition memory? PLoS ONE 4: e5496. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Sandkühler, S. and Bhattacharya, J. (2009) Posterior beta and anterior gamma oscillations predict cognitive insight. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21: 1269-1279. pdf
Coskun, M.A., Varghese, L., Reddoch, S., Castillo, E.M., Pearson, D.A., Loveland, K.A., Papanicolaou, A.C. and Sheth, B. R. (2009) How somatic cortical maps differ in autistic and typical brains. NeuroReport 20: 175-179. pdf
Liu, S. and Sheth, B. R. (2009) Discrimination of behaviorally irrelevant auditory stimuli in stage II sleep. NeuroReport 20: 207-212. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Pham, T. (2008) How emotional arousal and valence influence access to awareness. Vision Research 48: 2415-2424. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Janvelyan, D. and Khan, M. (2008) Practice makes imperfect: restorative effects of sleep on motor learning. PLoS ONE 3(9): e3190. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2008) Adapting to an aftereffect. Journal of Vision 8: 1-10. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Wu, D.A. (2008) Single mechanism, divergent effects; multiple mechanisms, convergent effect. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31: 215. pdf
Kanai R., Sheth, B. R., Verstraten, F.A.J. and Shimojo, S. (2007) Dynamic perceptual changes in audiovisual simultaneity. PLoS ONE 2(12): e1253. pdf
Kanai R.*, Sheth, B. R.* and Shimojo, S. (2007) Dynamic evolution of motion perception. Vision Research 47: 937-945. *—joint first authors. pdf
Sheth, B. R. (2005) Memory consolidation during sleep: A form of brain restitution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28: 81-82. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2004) Sound aided recovery from and persistence against filling-in. Vision Research 44: 1907-1917. pdf
Kanai R.*, Sheth, B. R.* and Shimojo, S. (2004) Stopping the motion and sleuthing the flash-lag effect: spatial uncertainty is the key to perceptual mislocalization. Vision Research 44: 2605-2619. *—joint first authors. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2004) Extrinsic cues suppress the encoding of intrinsic cues. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16: 339-350. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2003) Signal strength determines the nature of the relationship between perception and working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15: 173-184. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2002) How the lack of visuomotor feedback affects even the early stages of goal-directed pointing movements. Experimental Brain Research 143: 181-190. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2001) Compression of space in visual memory. Vision Research 41: 329-341. pdf
Sheth, B. R. and Shimojo, S. (2000) In space, the past can be recast but not the present. Perception 29: 1279-1290. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Nijhawan, R., and Shimojo, S. (2000) Changing objects lead briefly flashed ones. Nature Neuroscience 3: 489-495. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Moore, C.I., and Sur, M. (1998) Temporal modulation of spatial borders in rat barrel cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 79: 464-470. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Sharma J., Rao C.S., and Sur, M. (1996) Orientation maps of subjective contours in visual cortex. Science 274: 2110-2215. pdf
Nelson, S.B., Toth, L.J., Sheth, B., and Sur, M. (1994) Orientation selectivity of cortical neurons persists during intracellular blockade of inhibition. Science 265: 774-777. pdf
Sheth, B. R., Nag, P. K., and Hellwarth, R. W. (1991) Driver mechanisms on cellular automata. Complex Systems 5: 487-496.
Sheth, B. R., Nag, P. K., and Hellwarth, R. W. (1991) Binary addition on cellular automata. Complex Systems 5: 479-486.