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Stanko R. Brankovic
Dr. Stanko R. Brankovic, Fellow of the Electrochemical Society
Office Location N322 Engineering Building 1
Phone 713-743-4409
Fax 713-743-4444
Email SRBrankovic [at]
Dr. Stanko Brankovic's research
BSE Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
PhD Science and Engineering of Materials, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Professional Experience
Seagate Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001-2005
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 1999-2001
ECE 1331 Computer Problem Solving
ECE 2300 Electrical Circuits
ECE 6397 Electrochemical Nanofabrication Technology
ECE 6348 Material Science of Thin Films
ECE 5397/6397 Introduction to Nanoscale Design and Eng.
CHEE 6397 Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering
ECE 1100 Introduction in Electrical Engineering
ECE 6312 Fundamentals of Ferromagnetic Materials
ECE 6397 Alternative Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems
ECE 5321 Design and Fabrication of Nanoscale Devices
ECE 6397 Electrochemical Thin Film Growth
ECE 6397 Electrochemical Synthesis of Functional Materials
Awards & Honors
Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, 2021
The Electrodeposition Research Award of The Electrochemical Society, 2017
Best Fundamental Paper in 2017 –AIChE-South Texas Section
Chair, The Electrodeposition Division of the Electrochemical Society, 2017-2019
Chair, Materials Science Divisioin, International Society of Electrochemistry, 2015-2017
The Faculty Early Career Development Award , National Science Foundation, 2010
University of Houston Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, University of Houston, 2010
Cullen College of Engineering Junior Faculty Research Award, Cullen College of Eng. Univ. of Houston, 2009
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Student Fellow, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993-1994
Paja S. Tutundzic Foundation Student Fellow, College of Technology and Metallurgy, Univ. of Belgrade, 1992-1994
Editorial Boards
Nanotechnology, Science and Applications
Electrochimica Acta
Research Interests

Electrocatalysis: The research in this area explores the fundamental advantages and limitations of the monolayer catalyst concept for design of highly active fuel cell anodes/cathodes. Our interest is centered to develop a better understanding of the effects of substrate (electronic effect and epitaxial strain) and the monolayer morphology on catalyst monolayer activity. The evaluation of these effects in different electrochemical reactions is one of the primary goals.Thebroader interest is to address the stability of monolayer catalystsand to identify the fundamental processes that are important for the catalyst monolayer morphology change, redistribution and longevity in particular electrochemical reactions.

Sensors: The research in this area is focused on electrochemical interface as the natural transducer for sensing of different phenomena including, organic adsorption, DNA, protein sensing, gene recognition, bio-separation etc….The current efforts that are pursued in our group are the work on ultrasound sensor design using the high surface/volume ratio electrodes as the ultrasound transducers and the studies of phase separated magnetic/nonmagnetic nano-materials as the magnetic field sensors.

Electrochemical Material Science and Nanofabrication: The research interests in this area include the studies of different processes occurring at the electrochemical interface like organic adsorption, de-alloying, deposition, etching, oxidation, electropolishing order to form organized hetero-epitaxial metal and oxide nanostructures, functional surfaces, and materials with different properties and applications. The current work in this area pursed in our group involves the studies of organic phase and hydroxide incorporation into magnetic matrix during electrodeposition process and its effects on deposit morphology, corrosion properties, magnetic properties and stress evolution. In addition, the current work in our group is focused on studying and modeling the surface morphology evolution during electropolishing, studies of nucleation and growth of 2D monolayers using surface limited red-ox displacement reaction and self organization and nano-structuring of 2D deposits.

Corrosion: The current studies in this area are focused on evaluating the effects of additive incorporation on corrosion properties of electrodeposited magnetic alloys. The corrosion of binary alloys is also an active topic of research in our group as a part of the general approach to design functional nano-materials for sensor applications.

Funded Research
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Selected Publications

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Articles/Book Chapters

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Patent/Patent Applications
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Refereed Conference Proceedings
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Invited Talks
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